It's true that we love one another -after this I'm not all too sure
Now the story of our great clubbing debacle. You know truly, best friends do not necessarily make the best clubbing friends. Okay so we wanted to Gotham last night right? So we meet at my place and take a cab to merchant court. Not realsiing that he’s dropped us off at the hotel – Swisshotel merchant court, instead of Gotham’s Merchant’s Court. So we try to go up stairs to the third floor to look for Gotham. Except that the lift didn’t have a third floor!!! Our first clue. So finally we pluck up the courage to go to the front desk and she’s like okay it’s across from riverside point so walk down the side and just cross. Simple right? Wrong. We walk past Brewerkz. Etc. etc. etc. walk past people flying electronic kites which is totally super cool. Anyway, so we stop the cab and the uncle’s like of merchant’s court. Oh the one behind Liang Court? Oh it’s like a half an hour walk but a 4 minute cab ride. And then. And then. And then he drives away!!!!!! WTH. K never mind. Next cab. Now this guy doesn’t know HOW to get to merchants’ court. K so finally we call my mum and she gives use new directions to get across the river. Cos for some reason we couldn’t before. So we’ve done this right? 

It gets better. So we go into Fish Tales and the sweet sweet man tells us to walk down the lane and turn in at the lift and take it to the third storey. So we walk. AN walk. Past Attica. Past loads of other things I don't remember. Finally, finally we turn in to this chinesy looking place and there's a lift. So we all pile in. And lo and behold. No level 3. Again. So find yet another site map. And we realised that the turinng was like two shops down from fish tales. and back we go. like the damned pied pipper i swear. All that " up and down and up and down, I will lead them up and down". Bloody hell. And guess what. When we finally get to Gotham bloody Penthouse, the bouncer in the lobby says " I am very sorry to inform you that the club is closed till 12:30 for a private function". Very sorry my ass. Okay actually he was really nice and stuff. Kinda like an extra large teddy bear, but I must vent. So then, we're like no, we can't have our clubbing attempt foiled again ( I'll get to why again later)., so let's go to Momo.So we go, and we get there before 11 so no cover. Music's great etc. But after all that effort that went into finding Gotham, we want to go back right? so at 12:20, we take our stuff from the front desk, ( the guy was like "leaving so early?' and _ was like no, we're going somewhere else. "haha) and we go BACK to Gotham. And when we get there guess what??????? "the private party only ends at 1a.m. I am very sorry. We tried to let members of the public in but the planners got very upset". My dear Mr. Bouncer, I truly hope that by some divine force you read this and feel the power of the truly very upset.

Okay, truthfully though t was kinda fun. It's just terribly sad that we're so jinxed. So we went back to momo. On the way home, our cab got hit by another car and thus hit the car in front of us. I've just had to write a report for the company so that the cab driver doesn't need to use his insurance to pay or something funny like that. Eventful?
Oh and the lst time we went clubbing together, the others all didn't bring their ICs!!!!!!!!! and the Chinablack people only take ICs! haha, so after I got in I tried to lend _ my IC. Except, when she got to the door, they were like hey, you're not Indian. haha shit. So they confiscated my ID. And when I went to pick it up the guy was like oh, this is a police offense. You lucky the police man not here yet ah. And just to inform you, you and your friend are banned form chinablack for a year. Except that they didn't take our details down but hey, that's a small detail eh? Actually the gotham people are far nicer. So anyway, now we have to go back since we went through all this trouble. Just waiting till everyone gets back from respective holidays. We're real noobs.
Oh and the lst time we went clubbing together, the others all didn't bring their ICs!!!!!!!!! and the Chinablack people only take ICs! haha, so after I got in I tried to lend _ my IC. Except, when she got to the door, they were like hey, you're not Indian. haha shit. So they confiscated my ID. And when I went to pick it up the guy was like oh, this is a police offense. You lucky the police man not here yet ah. And just to inform you, you and your friend are banned form chinablack for a year. Except that they didn't take our details down but hey, that's a small detail eh? Actually the gotham people are far nicer. So anyway, now we have to go back since we went through all this trouble. Just waiting till everyone gets back from respective holidays. We're real noobs.

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