Reader Beware. Very rambley post. six words long - weird al
You cannot find a blog inquisitive what a strange thing to suggest. Since leaving school I’ve really stopped using punctuation marks. All through school I’ve disliked them and now suddenly, having been liberated from the watch of the strange drunk anal-retentive Cambridge markers I no longer feel the need to use them. I hope this explains my text messages. So today is actually the first day in a very long time that I am using them. Given how pedantic, and yes I suppose, annoying, I am about proper pronunciation this is strange isn’t it.
Anyway, let me stop my random very strange musings and get to the point. Having not blogged for so blog I think I might have become unfamiliar with being concise and other forms of blogging etiquette.
Wow I really go on don’t I. Sorry. Okay anyway, haven’t blogged in so long because if been completely exhausted. Job to drama to Holland to bed. It’s an insane ritual actually. I’m trying to find enough people to teach tuition to so that I can quit. I mean it’s fun and all that but really it’s just too much. And well I’m so used to being spoilt this has rather been a rude awakening for me. And oh man they keep speaking malay and hokkien to me and all I know how to do in those languages is like swear and ask for the toilet and bloody hell that’s not going to help with asking the cleaning aunty to wash the juice glasses. And they all swear in Cantonese like crazy. It’s a hawker’s paradise I swear. And I am starting to sound like them! I have to leave soon if I’m to get out alive. Sigh. But well I’ll miss the free food. The free very very good food. That would have eventually made me the size of a balloon. It’s early days yet though. Think I’ll stay on for a while longer. Cos I like working. And not at all for the chocolate truffle pie things.
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