Wednesday, September 07, 2005

A Little Less Conversation - Note below.

And through the poplars a tiny amount of light shone upon their hands. He felt the tenderness in her delicate skin, lightly rubbing her knuckles. Then he retracted his own to the safety of his pocket.

The promise of eternity in a touch, a look, a kiss. I just cannot bring myself to believe in that. Eternal love. Is that really possible? To love a fellow human being for that long? It seems more the product of cheap mass-produced valentine charms then an account of real romance grounded in reality. But then, I suppose love makes you do crazy things. Maybe I am just a cynic with my inexperience. But they call it falling in love for a reason right? I always assumed that it meant that you’d hit the bottom sometime. But perhaps these are just the musings of an over-critical literature student.

This is in part because my random friend has gone on holiday. Did you ever have one of those? The friend you call in between advertisements or when you’re walking home or when you’re just absolutely bored? The friend that doesn’t take offense despite your purely utilitarian motives at times? If you have no idea about what I am talking about, then you definitely need to find out. This you need far more then a visa any day. Don’t listen to advertisements. They lie.

I think that I’d make a terrible salesperson. I definitely cannot advertise.

I have just acquired a whole series of tom-jones-edwin-starr-elvis-other-similar-schmuck-type music. Very good.


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