Well i haven't blogged properly in a really long time. I do plan these long entries as I'm walking home from places but I never get down to writing them. I have the attention span of _(insert animal with short attention span)_... Hmmm er a monkey? Oh hmm okay I have the attention span of a child who was brought up on sesame street. Oh except that I was brought up ion Sesame Street so that's an improper simile. Sorry okay I'll stop with the random grammar musings. I blame my mother for my strangeness.
Anyway nothing’s been happening. Got a job waitress-ing but it's really un fulfilling so I think I'm going to request to only work public holidays and weekends like this other girl there and do my internship during the week. Till I get my internship was thinking of volunteering or something. Or getting a job doing admin related stuff since the pays supposed to be better. Maybe I could teach? Haha okay no scratch that nevermind. I'd like scream at my students. Stuff along the line of " what's wrong with you! why don't you get it! are you stupid or just lazy!". I'm very intellectually arrogant and very condescending. A lethal cocktail. Leads to being very intolerant. Really I feel so sorry for all the people I have tried to teach math in JC. Once I got so angry with a contemporary not knowing his graphs that I demanded he sit there and practice drawing sin, cos and tan curves. I'm definitely Wanda the Wicked Witch of the West or something.
You know since the exams ended I have really learnt to appreciate the little things in peoples personalities. Just the way people say things or little gestures they make. I guess when you have nothing else you really hold on to the small stuff. In a really warped way I miss school and the opportunities it afforded me to interact with people. I mean I'm no hermit but you know, few friendships actually survive the not-having-anything-in-common syndrome and I guess I really miss the people I no longer get to be with all the time, the people who have suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from my life. It's actually very surprising who I still see and talk to and who I don't. I really really miss some people. I miss shu. I don't know where she's got to. I've been seeing the people from my class and from IJ a lot, but really I haven't seen any drama people. And it just feels very strange. I think we should do the breakfast we were planning now.