Wednesday, February 22, 2006

It's time for a new POV. Radically change how you relate to your physical presence. Maybe that means a new haircut. Maybe that means loving the miracle that is your body. Tell yourself how lovely you are -- and believe it.

What the hell ? Stupid horoscope! that's not even like reading the stars or anyything? it's just strange shitty advice. and it really sounds ratherr feminine. I feel sad for all the boy libras.

White shadows. Don't really know why i have this sudden thing for cold play

I'm just filled with an overwhelming love for the world at large. Actually i think it's my medication giving me very strange mood swings. Just now it mad feel like a strange love sick puppy dog. I want to stop being sick now! now now now! You know how at the end of some tv programmes, those narrated ones, they always have like some lesson learnt, some philosophical quote or something? Like Grey's anatomy? Or that old Claire Daines drama series where she has dark hair? Blogs are like that in a way right? Our own little buy in? Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it's worth. Anyway, partly because I grew up alone, mostly because I’m partially insane, like I think my consciousness plays it's own soundtrack in my mind at the end of a particularly trying day, and I stand outside myself and almost watch my life like it's on television, and I don't even own it anymore you know, just an offering now to the gods of experience if that makes any sense at all. I wonder if my life was on TV if I'd get good ratings. Think it'd be like Joan or the Gilmore girls type but with a far smaller following of a select few faithful fans who'll show the reruns to their children. The rather dull (actually) life of a neurotic over-worked idiot teenager. I need a cool side kick. That’s what’s missing.

Went to Harry’s yesterday to see Tanya. Really it’s like standing in the presence of greatness. They’re just such great show people. Sigh.

Oh and I had my first tuition session today!! This primary 6 girl. She’s like seriously pretty. But well I feel like I can look into her little soul and with my great visionary powers prophesy that she’ll become some rockers girl friend at fourteen, just pass her n levels, drop out before taking the O levels and end up a waitress at a nice hotel for just over a thousand dollars a month, married at 24, child in saddle. Isn’t it awful that I stereotype so? But really I think with very very good luck she’ll be an airhostess maybe. Just maybe. And it’s not that there’s anything wrong with that kind of life mind you, I mean her satisfaction level may well be higher than mine, but I guess it’s just the way we’re wired now, to associate success with maximizing ones academic potential and ignoring all our potential for love and affection and goodness but yea, I guess it would just be nice if she could grow up and be like an MP or something. You know, maybe we only want people to be successful because it somehow validates our own existence. That we made a difference in someone else’s life and they became great so even if we’re not great well we still made that difference. You know? Like what the food counter people at Bill Gates’ summer school who have at best had one five-minute conversation with him about old cheese can say to themselves. Except that it probably doesn’t even occur to them really. We just imagine that it should. Does that make sense?

Monday, February 20, 2006


Saturday, February 18, 2006

Beautiful World. I agree

Suddenly lulled into this strange purgatory by the sounds of cold play. Everyone I want to talk to is out or asleep after well what can only be described as a very eventful fun o rama. I wonder if it is true that we fall in lust out of sheer boredom. Just to have something to obsess about. But then how do you know when you're falling in love. If the feeling sticks even when you're supposed to be busy?? As I write this listening to yellow cold play offers me an answer. Cos you are all yellow. The Chinese people of this world are very lucky then. Caucasoid admirers pale in comparison to their lovers. Everyone always says that you'll just know. There will be this connection. But then don't you need a connection to be friends too? So is it like a different connection? Like USB and serial? And well if the first time you fall in love you've, for obvious reasons, never felt that way before, then how can you just know? How does that happen? I don't understand for my innocent little noob mind can't wrap itself around this one. And it was all yellow. Human beings are too complex. I think in truth, though please no one quote me on this, it'd be far easier to be a dolphin or a pig or an ape or something. Indeed I think I could quite take to being a camel. Those long lashes that idiotic humans spend billions trying to achieve. I wish I could be better to you but sometimes well it scares me too much because I know soon you'll leave me because everyone will eventually. I don't mean this in an angsty kill me now kill me now way. I mean logically life is about patterns and to quote Elliot Richards in Bedazzled " why does the existentialist situation have to be so bleak." So everything has end so what. Ah I don't really mean that. Don't pay any attention to me. I'm just a sad weathered bee. Fallout boy, sugar we're going down playing down. " Am I more than you bargained for” and sugar we're going down swinging. My speedstream DSL modem box quotes great words of wisdom " push your limits". What on earth does that mean with regards to a modem. A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it. I have to spend less money. Money is more than paper. New mantra.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Sugar we're going down. sigh

I think postsecret is a life saver. Especially this very depressing Valentine’s Day. The day wit the second highest suicide rate. Next to Christmas of course. Today I forgot how to spell cold. I don’t think I can be an English teacher. I have nothing more to say I guess. This really feels like an out of body experience.


Oh yesterday I went to k-box and they had ain’t no sunshine by Taufik!! Oh no.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Reader Beware. Very rambley post. six words long - weird al

You cannot find a blog inquisitive what a strange thing to suggest. Since leaving school I’ve really stopped using punctuation marks. All through school I’ve disliked them and now suddenly, having been liberated from the watch of the strange drunk anal-retentive Cambridge markers I no longer feel the need to use them. I hope this explains my text messages. So today is actually the first day in a very long time that I am using them. Given how pedantic, and yes I suppose, annoying, I am about proper pronunciation this is strange isn’t it.

Anyway, let me stop my random very strange musings and get to the point. Having not blogged for so blog I think I might have become unfamiliar with being concise and other forms of blogging etiquette.

Wow I really go on don’t I. Sorry. Okay anyway, haven’t blogged in so long because if been completely exhausted. Job to drama to Holland to bed. It’s an insane ritual actually. I’m trying to find enough people to teach tuition to so that I can quit. I mean it’s fun and all that but really it’s just too much. And well I’m so used to being spoilt this has rather been a rude awakening for me. And oh man they keep speaking malay and hokkien to me and all I know how to do in those languages is like swear and ask for the toilet and bloody hell that’s not going to help with asking the cleaning aunty to wash the juice glasses. And they all swear in Cantonese like crazy. It’s a hawker’s paradise I swear. And I am starting to sound like them! I have to leave soon if I’m to get out alive. Sigh. But well I’ll miss the free food. The free very very good food. That would have eventually made me the size of a balloon. It’s early days yet though. Think I’ll stay on for a while longer. Cos I like working. And not at all for the chocolate truffle pie things.

Ten Top Trivia Tips about Sharm!

  1. To check whether sharm is safe to eat, drop her in a bowl of water; rotten sharm will sink, and fresh sharm will float.
  2. It takes 8 minutes for light to travel from the Sun's surface to sharm.
  3. Sharm never said 'Play it again, Sam'.
  4. When sharm is swallowed, she will enter the blood stream within twenty minutes!
  5. Fifty-two percent of Americans drink sharm.
  6. Human beings are the only animals that copulate while facing sharm!
  7. Only one child in twenty will be born on the day predicted by sharm.
  8. Astronauts get taller when they are in sharm.
  9. A cluster of bananas is called a hand and consists of 10 to 20 bananas, which are individually known as sharm!
  10. Sharm can grow up to three feet in a 24 hour period!
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