Monday, January 09, 2006

Mr. Bojangles

I have never felt more sad for my country. Seriously ia ma sure that there 20 experiences more UNIQUE to Singapore. This makes me very sad...

our lack of unique activities for one.

vanguard -fall out boy (thanks for the recommendation)

Well i haven't blogged properly in a really long time. I do plan these long entries as I'm walking home from places but I never get down to writing them. I have the attention span of _(insert animal with short attention span)_... Hmmm er a monkey? Oh hmm okay I have the attention span of a child who was brought up on sesame street. Oh except that I was brought up ion Sesame Street so that's an improper simile. Sorry okay I'll stop with the random grammar musings. I blame my mother for my strangeness.

Anyway nothing’s been happening. Got a job waitress-ing but it's really un fulfilling so I think I'm going to request to only work public holidays and weekends like this other girl there and do my internship during the week. Till I get my internship was thinking of volunteering or something. Or getting a job doing admin related stuff since the pays supposed to be better. Maybe I could teach? Haha okay no scratch that nevermind. I'd like scream at my students. Stuff along the line of " what's wrong with you! why don't you get it! are you stupid or just lazy!". I'm very intellectually arrogant and very condescending. A lethal cocktail. Leads to being very intolerant. Really I feel so sorry for all the people I have tried to teach math in JC. Once I got so angry with a contemporary not knowing his graphs that I demanded he sit there and practice drawing sin, cos and tan curves. I'm definitely Wanda the Wicked Witch of the West or something.

You know since the exams ended I have really learnt to appreciate the little things in peoples personalities. Just the way people say things or little gestures they make. I guess when you have nothing else you really hold on to the small stuff. In a really warped way I miss school and the opportunities it afforded me to interact with people. I mean I'm no hermit but you know, few friendships actually survive the not-having-anything-in-common syndrome and I guess I really miss the people I no longer get to be with all the time, the people who have suddenly and mysteriously disappeared from my life. It's actually very surprising who I still see and talk to and who I don't. I really really miss some people. I miss shu. I don't know where she's got to. I've been seeing the people from my class and from IJ a lot, but really I haven't seen any drama people. And it just feels very strange. I think we should do the breakfast we were planning now.
Your Monster Profile

Ultima Lunatic

You Feast On: Peanut Butter

You Lurk Around In: Closets

You Especially Like to Torment: Lawyers
What Your Underwear Says About You

When you're bad, you're very bad. And when you're good, you're still trouble!

You're comfortable in your own skin - and don't care to impress anyone.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

To 2006

So long
Good bye to the nervous apprehension
I certainly won't miss ya
My heart is unable to stay so unstable no more

Go now
Leave this place and if you do not know how
You'll learn along the way
The road to rejection is better than no road at all

If I see your negative shadow
I will lead it from the room
A media-sized headache is not enough to break it
If you've already assumed the malediction

Kinds of people that we like to know, yeah
And others gotta go
If you wait 'til you're ready, then you'll never make an amends

Stephen Malkmus "Malediction"