Amovie script ending - DCfC
Opening lines are always the hardest to write. Once you know your opening you know your tone your theme your plot. And don’t let anyone tell you any different. This is perhaps why so many novels begin with I or once upon a time or some other borrowed existence. Maybe that’s why the hardest things in the world to say are in short sentences. With no preamble maybe we don’t see how we could ever psychologically prepare our selves for awesome truths like I’m sorry, I do, I love you, I’m dying. Mostly though it’s because when you have something important to say you don’t want the statement to become cluttered by cumbersome words and expressions.
The power of the succinct. I wish someone would tell my pastor.
Sometimes I suppose people are like that. And when they’ve left our lives so changed we sit in their wake and wonder how that happened with someone who’s time pocket should not have allowed them that sort of impact. If life were about proportionate representation. But if it remains a concept elusive to governments and leaders how can we expect mere plebeians to understand.
I wonder why it is that most people say the most important things to strangers. Why so many people call SOS numbers instead of their closest friends. And well if people do call SOS numbers and they are our friends then does that mean that we have failed them?
And what do we do about the people who suddenly leave our lives. If friends are each intended to fulfill then what do we do when someone leaves us? If everyone in our lives is like a card in a cosmic wallet then what do you do when your credit card gets clipped? Do you replace it with the same DBS MasterCard or do you try another bank to see if heir plans are a better fit?
Sometimes it seems strange to me that relationships have definite endings but friendships don’t. I mean the average person has probably has had more close friends that have made a meaningful impact then lovers. So in which case how come we put so much energy into our sexual relationships but not our emotional ones and how come we don’t get to break up with our friends. I bet friendships the world over could have been saved by the honest conversation that most dread in relationships.